Monday, August 4, 2008

Summer before the storm

Here it is early August and I am already thinking about my upcoming semester. It will be my first as a pre-med student. My adviser said I should start slow, so my only pre-med class is Introduction to Biology. The class meets Tuesday and Thursday from 12:00 to 1:20 PM. On top of that, there is a lab that runs every Tuesday from 4:30 to 7:30 PM. And even more, there is also a discussion every Monday at 4:00 PM. That is just Biology.

Beside that one hellish class, I am also taking a Philosophy class on the great Heidegger. It is a two semester course that is focused on Heidegger's magnum opus, Being and Time. I'm really looking forward to it because it is a class with 4 other people and we meet in a lounge. Should be fun.

Biblical Studies, Peace or War, and Italian are the other classes I am taking. That's 5 classes for 17 credits.

My last posts may seem of topic because they deal with random things that I felt were worth writing about. That is because I hadn't found a suitable blog topic, but I knew I wanted to blog.

And so my journey into pre-med hell begins.

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